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FFXIV - No-good Zo Ga's Ambition (Kobold quest) Dialogues

[12:49 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: Oh, adventurer, do honor me with your company for a moment. Yes, yes, let us speak for a while. You have been an absolute godssend to our order─a savior, a saint, a godssend!
[12:50 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: Our barrows have been overflowing with ore since you arrived. Yes, yes, full to the brim. At this pace, a moon from now, you may be speaking to─dare I dream?─788th Order Pickman Gi Gu!
[12:50 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: We shall be the butt of kobold society no more─no, no, never again! Keep up the diligent work, adventurer!
[12:50 a.m.]Skaetswys: Can a kobold get any more pathetic!? Maybe if ye got off yer arse and 'elped Kurgan for once, ye could dream a little bigger!
[12:50 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: B-But, surely you know the old kobold saying? Yes, yes, slow and steady─
[12:50 a.m.]Skaetswys: Bah, enough of yer blatherin'! Kurgan─ye must come with me, and quickly!
[12:50 a.m.]Skaetswys: Why, ye say!? I'll tell ye why─Camp Overlook is under attack by the nastiest 'orde o' kobolds I've ever laid eyes on!
[12:50 a.m.]Skaetswys: And that's not the least of it. Word 'as it they've got some newfangled weapon that's got Commander Bloeidin and 'is men tearin' their beards out.
[12:50 a.m.]Skaetswys: I'm off to join the defense. We can count on ye as well, aye, Kurgan?
[12:50 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: A kobold attack? How terrifying─frightful, horrifying, terrifying! What is it that angers them so? Yes, yes, I wonder...
[12:51 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: Lucky we are that you are attacked, and not us. Yes, yes, we are fortunate indeed. Well, ah...good luck up there, adventurer!

[12:52 a.m.]Wounded Storm Sergeant: I'm no new recruit─aye, I've seen me share o' bombs in me days. Nothing in me worst nightmares could 'ave prepared me for what we faced...
[12:52 a.m.]Wounded Storm Private: Me ears! The blast was so deafenin' I fear I'll never again hear the sound o' the sea...
[12:52 a.m.]Wounded Red Swallow: S-Such strength! If this is the new face of our foe, we're as good as done for...
[12:52 a.m.]Skaetswys: There ye are, Kurgan! We drove the buggers off, but I fear the damage 'ad already been done...
[12:52 a.m.]Skaetswys: Saw the kobolds' new weapon with me own eyes, I did. A right vicious breed o' bomb that could blow a good-sized vessel out o' the water.
[12:52 a.m.]Skaetswys: The sheer 'ate in the beastmen's eyes got me to wonderin'─do ye reckon this is somehow our fault, Kurgan?
[12:52 a.m.]Skaetswys: No sooner do we start lendin' our strength to Gi Gu and 'is sorry lot than Camp Overlook suffers its worst kobold assault in years.
[12:52 a.m.]Skaetswys: Aye, call it me mariner's intuition, but I'd wager a pirate's booty that Zo Ga is at the 'elm of all this.
[12:53 a.m.]Skaetswys: I must remain behind and tend to me comrades. I ask of ye, Kurgan─return to Gi Gu and see if me suspicions are true.
[12:53 a.m.]Skaetswys: Camp Overlook can't bear to suffer another attack like the last. Kurgan, get yerself back to Gi Gu and see what that sorry excuse for a kobold knows about this new breed o' bomb.

[12:53 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: Great losses, your camp suffered? This is a pity─a shame, a crime, a pity. Good thing it was not us. Yes, yes, we are lucky indeed.
[12:53 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: A secret new weapon? Such rumors have come our way before. Yes, yes, one of our acolytes overheard Zo Ga speaking of just such a thing.
[12:53 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: You should seek him out. Yes, yes, you must speak to Ba Go. But I warn you, he is an odd one─curious, eccentric, odd...
[12:54 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: Worry not that Ba Go has been relegated to this forsaken order; his alchemical prowess knows few equals. Once he was a favorite of Zo Ga. Yes, yes, his prized researcher. But then he became a bit too attached to his work...

[12:54 a.m.]789th Order Acolyte Ba Go: Ba Go has been awaiting you─expecting, anticipating, awaiting. Zo Ga's furnace is firing, and you seek Ba Go's aid? Yesss, yesss, you do!
[12:55 a.m.]789th Order Acolyte Ba Go: Zo Ga's furnace spits out bombs of prodigious power. Brilliant bombs─breathtaking, beautiful, brilliant! And Ba Go is an old friend of Zo Ga. Yes, yes, old friends, we are...
[12:55 a.m.]789th Order Acolyte Ba Go: But Ba Go will help you. Yes, yes, he will. Why? Because Ba Go enjoys nothing more than watching things go kaboom─kablam, kapow, kaboom! Hahaha! Heeheahhahaha!
[12:55 a.m.]789th Order Acolyte Ba Go: Ba Go knows the way to the 13th Order's workshop deep in the bowels of U'Ghamaro. Yes, yes, Ba Go knows of a hidden passage─secret, secluded, hidden.
[12:55 a.m.]789th Order Acolyte Ba Go: The passage is guarded closely─guarded night and day. Yet Ba Go has friends in high places. Yes, yes, he does.
[12:55 a.m.]789th Order Acolyte Ba Go: Ba Go will gather his lovelies─his beauties, his dears, his lovelies. You will go ahead, to northern Iron Lake, and seek out one Ga Zi. Yes, yes, you will.
[12:55 a.m.]789th Order Acolyte Ba Go: My lovelies─my beauties, my dears, my lovelies─it is time to come out and play. Yes, yes, the time for madness and mayhem is nigh! Haha! Heeaheaheahaha!

[12:57 a.m.]13th Order Alchemist Ga Zi: Shush! Last time someone woke Zo Ga from his beauty rest, he had the offender mine an entire ore vein with his fingernails. Yunz wouldn't want that to happen, nuh-uh, nuh-uh.
[12:57 a.m.]13th Order Alchemist Ga Zi: Ba Go told me to expect yunzes. Zo Ga's workshop is on the other side of this exhaust pipe. Yunz'll go quickly and quietly─silently, soundlessly, quietly, that sort of thing─and tell no one that I's opened the door, yunz listening?
[12:58 a.m.]789th Order Acolyte Ba Go: Ba Go has come, and his lovelies with him. Yes, yes, we have arrived. And yet...what is this? Ba Go hears Zo Ga's lackeys scurrying about.
[12:58 a.m.]789th Order Acolyte Ba Go: Ba Go's lovelies are trembling in fear─shivering, shaking, trembling. This will not do─no, no, it will not. You must see to Zo Ga's men before we have our fun. Yes, yes, you must...

[12:58 a.m.]789th Order Acolyte Ba Go: What a shiny furnace─smooth, shimmery, shiny! And what booming, beautiful bombs it must make. Yes, yes, a great invention indeed...
[1:00 a.m.]789th Order Acolyte Ba Go: Are you ready, my lovelies? Yes, yes, you are... Take them, and gently place them in the furnace─sweetly, tenderly, gently. Then stand back quickly. Yes, yes, with haste.
[1:00 a.m.]789th Order Acolyte Ba Go: Ahhh, nothing like the smell of a burnt-out furnace in the morning! Or was it the evening? Does it even matter? No, no, it does not.
[1:00 a.m.]789th Order Acolyte Ba Go: Ba Go cannot bear to be parted from his lovelies any longer. His heart weeps─cries, sobs, weeps. Yes, yes, we must leave as we came.
[1:01 a.m.]789th Order Acolyte Ba Go: This is the way to the surface. Ba Go will return to his lovelies. Yes, yes, he will.

[1:01 a.m.]13th Order Alchemist Ga Zi: An overdweller? My boss Zo Ga doesn't take kindly to strangers sneaking around his personal property, nuh-uh, nuh-uh.
[1:01 a.m.]13th Order Alchemist Ga Zi: Yunz'll want to leave quickly, before we have an accident─a mishap, a misfortune, an accident, that sort of thing.

[1:04 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: Are my ears to be believed, adventurer? Zo Ga's furnace sputters─fizzles, smokes, sputters. This is your and Ba Go's doing? Yes, yes, it is!
[1:04 a.m.]Skaetswys: Brilliant work, Kurgan! With their source of ammunition knocked out o' commission, I reckon the 13th Order won't be comin' back to wreak 'avoc on Camp Overlook any time soon.
[1:05 a.m.]Skaetswys: But we've only begun to fight! Aye, we'll not rest until Zo Ga and 'is lickspittles 'ave been driven from U'Ghamaro entirely. Who's with me!?
[1:05 a.m.]175th Order Alchemist Bi Bi: Gi Gu! Have you gone mad─barmy, balmy, mad!?
[1:05 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: B-Bi Bi! What a lovely surprise─a pleasure, a delight, a surprise!
[1:05 a.m.]Skaetswys: Hm? Who's this now?
[1:05 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: Oh, my beloved Bi Bi! How I have longed─yearned, pined, longed─to look upon your delicate whiskers, your dainty paws...
[1:05 a.m.]175th Order Alchemist Bi Bi: Gi Gu! You and your friends sabotaged Zo Ga's prized furnace, yes? You cannot fool me. No, no, I can see it in your eyes!
[1:05 a.m.]Skaetswys: Aye, the girl's a sharp one...
[1:05 a.m.]175th Order Alchemist Bi Bi: Zo Ga is on a rampage─a fury, a frenzy, a rampage! He says he'll find the culprit, and toss him into a vat of acid. He will kill you, Zo Ga─yes, yes, he will!
[1:05 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: <gulp> But I'm too young to die! Yes, yes, I am!
[1:06 a.m.]175th Order Alchemist Bi Bi: Then you must abandon this madness and flee this place─run, take flight, flee!
[1:06 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: Y-Yes, yes, I think I will. It was nice knowing you all. Good-bye, good luck, farewell─
[1:06 a.m.]Skaetswys: Gah! Are ye out o' yer bloody mind!? Ye've come this far, and yer just goin' to leave yer comrades behind? Take one cowardly step, and I'll skewer ye where ye stand!
[1:06 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: Y-Yes, of c-course! I-I will stand and do battle─clash, brawl, battle!
[1:06 a.m.]175th Order Alchemist Bi Bi: <sigh> You have not changed one bit, Gi Gu. No, no, you are as weak and wishy-washy as ever. Can you not make up your own mind?
[1:06 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: You are right, Bi Bi. Yes, yes, you are! I will fight, and then run─no, no, run and then fight...?
[1:06 a.m.]175th Order Alchemist Bi Bi: I've seen enough of this. Yes, yes, I am through with you. Do what you want, and do it alone─abandoned, unaccompanied, alone.
[1:06 a.m.]789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: Wait, Bi Bi! No, no, you must not go! <sigh> Oh dear, I'm in trouble now...

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